We are a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve

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Welcome to Addu City, our haven of calm in the heart of the Indian Ocean, and the gateway to the Maldives secluded southern atolls.
Here in Addu, British Eastern Fleet Commander Admiral James Somerville once sought to create a secret base in the middle of the Indian Ocean - protected from the outside world. His vision became known as Port T, which would later become RAF Gan and today serves as the main International Airport for our unique tourist destination. Read More

Mayor Ali Nizar


Discover Addu Atoll



A total of 24 natural islands of various sizes lie on a heart shaped coral rim. The islands on the western side of the Atoll have been linked by a man-made causeway that links the islands of HithadhoLearn More


People & Culture

The Maldives has a tropical climate distinguished by two seasons: dry from December to March, and wet from May to November with moderate winds and rain. March is the usual month noted for clear Learn More



The Maldives has a tropical climate distinguished by two seasons: dry from December to March, and wet from May to November with moderate winds and rainLearn More



Addu is famous in the country for its vibrant and unique selection of authentic dishes created using fresh local produce. From the very unique blends of curry pastes to the coconut based sweet del. Learn More


'Destination Addu Summit 2024'

17 Aug 24
ގަމުގެ އީކްއޭޓަ ވިލެޖްގެ ބްލޫ ނެގޫންގައި ކުރިއަށް ގެންދާ މި ސަމިޓްގައި ޓޫރިޒަމް މިނިސްޓަރު އިބްރާހީމް ފައިސަލް ވެސް ބައިވެރިވެވަޑައިން ވާހަކަ ދައްކަވާފައިވެ އެވެ. އަދި ސަމިޓްގައި ލޯކަލް މިނިސްޓަރު....
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'Addu Asseyri Tourism Development Plan'

15 Aug 24
The “Addu Asseyri Tourism Development Plan” was officially launched in Addu City last Thursday. The project is aimed to formulate and introduce a specialised tourism project for Addu City. Read....
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Discover South Maldives


City Hotels

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